Painting Amazon Purple

On Friday I was busy priming rooms to be painted over the weekend, and desperately needing something to make me smile. A dear friend provided that a little before lunch time.

The phone rings and I answer:

Kathy: Guess what I just did?
Me thinking: You live in Utah, how in the world would I know what you just did?–yes, I’m short like that when I’m tired. The good thing is I keep it inside. Most of the time. 😉
Me out loud: What?
Kathy: I just bought your book!
Me: What? How?
Kathy: You said it was searchable on Amazon and when I looked I could pre-order. So I did. I bought two. One for me and one to share!

Bring on the tears again! That makes me official in my mind. Someone has put down money for my book. Holy cow!

Then, being the good friend she is, she sent me a copy of the confirmation email.

It’s so exciting for me to hear how much other people are looking forward to my book coming out. Granted, Kathy was one of my very first beta readers back in 2009. We would go for walks with our kids and talk about ways to improve the story.

She said on the call, “It’s like I’ve watched it from the time it was a baby! I can’t wait to see it all grown up.”

Yes, by far the best moment of the weekend. 

About charitybradford/riverford

Science fiction and fantasy writer and blogger. My first novel is now available--The Magic Wakes (WiDo Publishing, 2013)

Posted on October 8, 2012, in Personal Journaling. Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. That is awesome! Your first confirmed sale and it isn't even out yet.

  2. SO AWESOME!!!! I mean, really? This is Squeetacular!

  3. LOL! That's what I think too!

  4. It shows how supportive my friends are. Gotta love 'em!

  5. That's wonderful! Love the baby metaphor too. 🙂

  6. Oh my gosh! Congratulations…you must be over the moon. 🙂

  7. Yep! I think I didn't really believe people were going to buy it, ya know?

  8. Now THAT'S cool. I am so jealous that you have a fan club already. 🙂

  9. I'd better get around to ordering your book!

  10. Aww that is so lovely. Moments like those make it all worthwhile. Also, just wanted to let you know that I'm holding a blogfest called 'The Year I Turned 18' for the week starting 29 October to celebrate the launch of The Big Smoke. I'm pretty sure you said recently to let you know if we had any blogfests coming up, so that's what I'm doing! 🙂

  11. You are the cutest friend EVER!!! I am glad I was able to brighten your day! I simply wanted to share my joy with you! Trusting me with your book from the beginning has been the greatest honor, and I am truly grateful to be your friend and experience these moments with you! Keep up the hard work, because I am not that patient waiting for the next book in a series. If you remember, I usually just don't read them until completed. Can't do that this time, but wow! You will hear me whine for the next one;) Lots of love to you my friend!

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