Birth of a Novel, Necklaces, and Moving

I’m writing this Wednesday night after a long day. The movers showed up at 9am and packed up my entire house by 2:30pm. They worked so fast, and I was so unprepared that by the time I thought of grabbing something to put in my van it was already packed.

Then we had several hours of saying good bye to various and dear friends. The last left our house around 10pm. The kids and I sat down and ate an entire container of ice cream and now they are all in bed. Tomorrow the movers will arrive at 8am and load everything into the truck. I’m estimating they will be done by 10am. I’ll clean and then hope to head toward Tennessee and “Granny’s House” by 1pm.

It’s felt like a long week, but some fun stuff happened too. For instance, Sunday night my BFF came over to teach me how to make Talia’s necklaces. Some of you may have seen the stones on twitter or my facebook page, but in case you didn’t…

I’m going to be giving away some of these as part of my book release in February! A hand-made by the author, no two alike, amethyst necklace inspired by the one Talia wears in the book. This is probably one of the things I’m the most excited about because I love tangible things!

And now for…

Here is my report on goals, and new goals for the week:

Last week:
1. Finish my short story for the UB anthology–I did turn in my woefully short piece for comments from the other UB gals. They had some great advice. Now I just need more time.
2. Get Scrivener set up with my outline for Search for Knowledge–I didn’t get to this, but that’s okay. I am moving. I did open Scrivener a few times. The first time I finished writing the first scene. I also had a scare because I couldn’t find the notebook where I had written the outline down, but I found it eventually.
3. Have my house cleaned so I can leave Thursday night or at least Friday morning to head for my new home. (at least the moving company will do all the packing)–This is a bit ahead of schedule thank goodness.

This Week’s Goals:
1. Get kids enrolled in new school
2. Unpack and get life back to a normal routine so I can write next week.

It’s a good thing I let myself off the Nanowrimo hook this year. I would like to get settled and try for 20K new words on Search for Knowledge this month though. 

About charitybradford/riverford

Science fiction and fantasy writer and blogger. My first novel is now available--The Magic Wakes (WiDo Publishing, 2013)

Posted on November 8, 2012, in Birth of a Novel, giveaway, necklaces, Personal Journaling, World of Sendek. Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

  1. I hope the move goes well.I hate moving, mainly because I've done too much of it over the past few years.

  2. Im so sad we found a common ground so late. Best of luck! We'll miss you.

  3. You get the right group, movers can pack at an incredible speed. Glad that's ahead of schedule. Know you'll be sad when you leave tomorrow. And like Shelly, bummer I didn't know how close you were until now!

  4. I know! I never got over to meet Beth Revis either, she's in Forrest City, NC or somewhere close to that. I plan on coming back sometime next year for a book signing with all my friends here. Maybe I'll meet you then?The movers said 8am, but they aren't here yet. It's kind of good though because it's giving me time to get all my stuff into the van and out of their way.

  5. At least I know who to direct my questions to as I learn more about it. And I'll still see you around Facebook, thank goodness!

  6. I grew up moving a lot and it was never a big deal. You just did it. This time is harder because we thought we had settled for good. *sigh* By next week things will be running smoother again.

  7. Glad the movers are helping with that physical labor portion of the move, but it doesn't alleviate the sadness departing causes when you've finally settled roots and have to pull them up. But here you are on a new adventure. Praying things continue well for you. And the writing goals will probably pick up full steam ahead once you get settled in ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Good luck with unpacking! We're a week into our move and we've already settled in nicely. I haven't unpacked the bedroom or bathrooms yet because I've been as sick as a dog, but the kitchen, living room, computer room, and baby's room are done. Haven't actually written any words yet, but hey. The house is almost together. I am so adding a "boxes unpacked" to my word count. :DThose necklaces are beautiful. Gorgeous! You should consider letting people commission them too. ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. Congrats on the move! It's exhausting but clearly you're doing an amazing job with your goals. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do brilliantly!Jai

  10. Moving is so stressful! Good luck, and it looks like you've made some great progress on those goals. (And I LOVE those necklaces!)

  11. I am all caught up on your blog now, Charity, and all the things you've been up to!I love the necklaces and amethyst is my birthstone so I'm hoping when the time comes that I might be able to win one. That is if the blog tour hosts are allowed to enter. :)Don't worry about your anthology entry. I've been meaning to write a submission for another one and haven't gotten around to it yet. However I have gotten to 21k on my current novel so I'm okay with that. And you've been moving and working on a blog tour so it's not like you're not doing anything.Wishing you all the luck with the move!

  12. OMGosh! I just read that post and I can see how tired I am/was. Lots of choppy sentences that start with I and very little flow between thoughts. Thank you everyone for the well wishes though!

  13. Thanks Angela, and I hope so!

  14. Getting sick is bad enough, but while or right after moving is horrible! I hope you get feeling better soon. Take is slow.I think adding a "boxes unpacked" count is a great idea. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'll try and get to the other blog hoppers tomorrow while I'm sitting like a lump on my mom's counch. As for the necklaces, I'm going to give some away, and I think I'll open an Etsy shop. The proceeds from sales can help fund my travels so I can do some book signings. I'd love to go a few places but need to save some cash.

  15. Jai, I love how you are always so positive! Thank you!

  16. Thanks Rena! The necklaces turned out so much better than I hoped. It's kind of addicting making them. Well, I guess soothing would be a nicer word to use.

  17. Blog tour hosts can definitely enter to win! I'll be routing for you too. Congrats on getting so much done on your novel!

  18. Glad you found your notebook with your outline notes in it. It gives me hope that I will be able to find mine! Fingers crossed!

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